Thursday, January 31, 2008
In Loving Memory of My Beloved Maru
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Joke of the Day *LoL*
Scenario: In the meeting room, all paralegals are serious scribbling on their paper coz there is a test going on... lawyer check on our skills and ability off n on..most importantly, to keep us up to date to the law and enhance efficiency in work... (mine u, dis was the 1st written test we had..hehe)
Right, this is wut happen when all of a sudden, everyone jus cant stop laughing!
Boss: All right! That's all for today. Please hand in your answers.
(Me, along with two other paralegals handed in our answers.)
My colleague: (Looking blur-ish and innocently at the boss) Huh? What answers? Are we suppose to answer those questions? *Laughing at himself as he is speaking*
Me: Huh? What hav u been doing all the time when everyone is busy writing their answers?
Colleague: Erm, i thought we are suppose to copy the questions! HAHAHAHA!
Me: (Burst into laughter)
Boss: Aiyo, this is a test ma...Hahaha...Okla..answer it now la!
And besides dat colleague of mine, the other 2 paralegals have done the same thing.Oh gosh! These are all future lawyers-to-be.And i finally koe y they din went thru their CLP at first attempt. LOL! just joking...CLP is really a tough test...BUT....
Imagine wat happens when a client tells the lawyer all the facts and the lawyer was busy scribbling down something on a paper (assuming dat he is jotting down notes) And when the client finishes, the lawyer said this to him:
Yup! I've written down all the questions that i want to ask u! What were u saying jus now? Wud u mind repeating the facts to me again? I haven got the details down yet!
(p/s: Right, i hope u guys get the joke. If not, forget abt it...u so have to witness the scene to have yourself laugh till ur stomach aches.LOL!)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
In One month's time...
Owh...y is the date so important again? coz in one month's time im gona end my internship and leave the company of my joyous colleagues at the firm..i guess that's wut keep me away from the 'EMO' mood dat i was alwis in when im in plus laughter...:)
And guess wut! right! the BOSSY one is BACK! CCTV n SPY EYES ALL ON! Beware of wut u say n do in the office! Haha...dun misunderstood me..its jus dat..whenever the boss is around, everyone gota be serious at work rite?No joking around and no gossiping.LOL. In fact, the freedom i got from his absence last week has made me a lil too LOUD or maybe less disciplinein the office ? Janet koes how to complain of her work nowadays! Hmm..not a good sign..Hehe...gota remain the good image of mine in the office...tomoro i gota be good..hehe
Dun worry...My BIG BIG BOSS is not back yet! Haha...that's my lawyer! He is off for vacation..i think he went to HK..the boss aforesaid is my HR manager..Freaky stingy man..when i ask for a holiday leave, he approved it with the condition dat i buy him souvenirs..and Now! he bought NOTHING for us! Not even a sweet! Kiam Siap betul!
Nevermind la! At least today we all had a good lunch by McDelivery...yup..its McDonalds! Food at the food court just sucks! Exploring another food store tomoro..hopefully its nice!
Im so gonna miss the daily conversations i have with my colleagues at the office when i get back to Melbourne! Haihz..for the mean time, i shall treasure the time i had with them :)
Till then, cheers.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Sally's visit
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Guess wat?!
FEB 23 2008!

Woosh! look at the poster! I am sure this is gonna be another blast concert in Stadium Merdeka!
The last concert way back 3 years ago was AMAZING! And i have high hopes that it will be as great dis time..
Last year, i missed LEE HOM CONCERT and this year im not gona miss another great concert i longed to go!
The organisers are just so great to have chosen a date which i could attend! And as i said..its a farewell to me before i leave again for my studies!
One thing thou, the ticket price has doubled compared to the last concert i have attended.Same spot dat i will be sitting this time BUT i gota pay more. Wat?! Is this an inflation effect or wut?Well least now..if dad is not gona sponsor me the full ticket, i have got money earned on my own to attend the concert! And great enough, Huiyuan is accompanying me to the concert! KK..guess u guys are a lil blur about wut im saying..Well then, check out the seating plan at its website
Okok..dats for getting the front seats...its expensive! A pain! A hole in my purse! But im sure its worth it! Hehe!
Cheers! Hopefully i can get my ticket as soon as possible! Tell me if u r interested to go with me!
Friday, January 4, 2008
A lil' taste of a lawyer's work
Today, Im enlightened with the work of a lawyer. Undeniably, the little briefing and lecture we had today in the meeting room had helped to boost my confidence and motivation to work harder for my future.
Of coz, my career is still uncertain..Graduating with a law degree is indeed a tough job for me.. seeing that i have not reach the potential of being an outstanding law student...Anyhowz, i still stand a chance if i do work hard from now rite?
Hehe..:) Gambate!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
My New Year Eve Celebration

Of coz, all the fun and happiness i gain on that day is to be credited to my beloved brother. His companion has neva failed to bring happiness to us..and dis was one of the bonding session that i have with him everytime im back from Melbourne..
Bro and Sis..Do we look alike? Hehe..
A closer look?
Haha..not forgetting to mention..I, on that day, had a little drive with my bro..Right, I am the one driving the car OK! Haha..
Till then, cheers!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year 2008
and i guess..Nothing shall be dwell on upon anymore...
The past week and days...and even hours...was awesome and great for ME...
with great great companions and friends..:P
At least, of all the sorrow and grief i endured over the year, I was compensated with the fun and joy I had with my friends in Malaysia...
All the best everyone and i surely wish you all to be in your best health and have the best luck of all things...
Love you all. <3..cheers!