Anyone generous enough to get me one as birthday prezzie?
I will surely LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!
Yea..i koe am DREAMING..well..well..its time for bed oredi I guess...
okies then..hope i can work better tomoro...Nite!
No matter wut happens, stay tough and strive till the end...there must be a way to lead you through these ups and downs..
Anyone generous enough to get me one as birthday prezzie?
I will surely LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!
Yea..i koe am DREAMING..well..well..its time for bed oredi I guess...
okies then..hope i can work better tomoro...Nite!
OKOK...back home now...i gota so some dish washing while the girls head to the bathroom for more shots! Altou the location is not so much of a good place to take photos, but the photos are awesome!
And i gota say this: ' Ai Ming is so feminine and Pwettie that day! SO So beautiful! When you stand beside her to take a shot, u r immediately downgraded coz she is too beautiful to be competed against! Haha' See the sexy and hot picure taken...Awww..hawt!
(Ai ming u mus thank me for this compliment...haha...love ya!)
And the photo shots started to move to the kitchen where I am...haha..super lame photos coming up..this time we had props in our photos..haha...
Started normal...^^and Jiang Jiang Jiang...everyone become a kitchen helper! Haha
Alrite, off the props...its time for some funny faces and angelic faces pics! Hehe :D
And yea...when the music started to play..the girls gone wild! Look at Yee, she is enjoying the music so much and I particularly love the pic very much! Yee look so graceful :)
'Dong Dong Dong' ..so goes the clock striking on 12, its time for the girls to head home...and before bidding goodbye, the girls had a group pic in front of the beautiful mirror! We nid not ask the mirror who is the best, coz we koe, we are the BEST! HAHA....
Love the girls even more each and every day...and this is definitely a night for the pies to remember~ BFF Forever <3
Till then, Cheers :D
Then, u see the table is well set up~meaning we are all ready to have a GOOD MEAL!
Aah~ Cocktails! My favorite! My friends said that my eyes will sparkle whenever I sees the words, vodka, cocktail, champagne, whisky..haha...Am not an alcoholic afta all~Just love the drinks and enjoy it :D
Oh ya, we ordered 2 cocktails to share: Emporio Martini and Mango Martini- Tasteh!
You see the smiles on our faces and you know that the cocktails are great!
Even Yee and Shan who doesnt drink, enjoy it as well!
And there comes the appetizer, a combination of Tuna and Scallop served on a thin sliced of crispy lotus root and with some yummy sauce~ Irresistible!
Next up, Sushis! Haha...the Soft Shell Crab Roll and House Special Roll was superb!
Afta eating it, u koe why it is priced so expensively...its because...its just so tasty and different from others! Worth the price man!
Ai Ming cant stop smiling when enjoying her food~ :D
Sashimi salad~ Real special...Did u witness that the fish is half cooked at the outer side and raw in the inner side~ Neva ate something so special *Thumbs up*
NOBU Signature Dish ~ Black Cod with Miso
Butter Tiger Prawns- this was rather ordinary with 3 special sauces accompanying the dish..
When it comes to food, Jess can neva stop being excited and happy~
Food is her potion to happiness...HeheChicken Skewers~ Yummy! I love this coz of its juicy sauce-well marinated and smells good thou it looks a bit like ordinary satay- well, this is Japanese style!
See the broad smile on all faces...thou mine looks pathetic in the expresso cup, it taste extraordinary NICE! What's in it? Haha...Whisky foam, cappucino coffee beans and white chocolate ice cream *Slurp* Hehe
And finally, a group photo of the Girlies all feeling contented of the food *broad smile*
Sayonara NOBU! Will surely pay another visit to the restaurant! Haha..maybe when mom's over in Melbourne coz seriously I cant afford to dine there so often~ As a student, u will be broke! Haha ^^
And so, thats all for our luxurious meal at NOBU~ We went window shopping around the boutiques at Crown and paid a visit to the Casino...Haha...$$$$$$.....Dun worry, we din gamble...Gamble is NO GOOD! Most importantly, we dont have the money!
BUT BUT something happen at the entrance of the casino. Being all so young and pretty girls, we are not mature enough to step into the casino freely though we are oredi all above the age of 18. And so, Ai Ming, Jess, Shan and Yee presented their IDs to a male guard while I present mine to another lady.
And this is what happen to the girls when they present their IDs- they receive several comments from the guard. Mine was ok..she just stare at me for a while and allow me in BUT the girls...hahah...
Pheyshan- "You look better with long hair"
Pheyyee- "You have changed a lot"
Aiming- "Go in and don't come out or else we would have to check your IDs again"
Haha..i haven seen Jess ID but i wonder whether she look so horrible back then till the guard has such a big reaction...haha...Dun worry...Jess is now a beautiful young lady...am sure u would have notice it from the above photos...the past is oredi the past...who cares if u r not pretty back then? LOL!
And so, we head to the tram stop to board the tram before we head home...Being girls who loves taking pictures non-stop and mainly its becoz it took quite some time for us to catch the tram...we requested a passenger to help us take a group photo...
Funny as it is...and I have no idea where the young lady comes from...when she was about to take a picture of us, she told us to LAUGH instead of smile and there goes her instruction
" 1, 2, 3, Laugh!"
Laugh die me can?! I was really holding my laugh when I heard her saying dat...So so funny CAN! Luckily the photo turn out good. If not, I will really doubt whether the girl knows how to use a camera...LOL! (I know am so bad!..haha)
That's it for PART I, Stay tune for PART II coz its PARTY TIME for the girls!
Till then, CHEERS! :D
Yupz..its Aunty Goh Phey Shan's birthday today! and yes..altou she loves the idea of me being the president of the aunty club, she is now OLDER than me! haha..may i emphasize on the word older? and me, being the president of the club doesnt make sense at all...haha..Kiddin la..age is just a number..when we get old, we dont even bother remembering how old we are...plus, this is a new transition in life...shud b fun..not to think abt we will no longer be teenagers dis year..Hehe..Just a short post...coz the real celebration would be at NOBU! Yay!
And may I say this, life with you along can be very HAHAZ and fun till we can do really stupid things without caring abt our image..LOL!
And NO DOUBT, u have been such a GREAT friend to me..
and I really wana Thank you for our friendship! :)