Saturday, May 31, 2008
2nd Year First Semester 2008
YES! Am finally relieved that Legal Theory is finally OVER! See the emphasis? Its OVER and I have handed it in..But well..dis time i finish it on that day itself..Not intentionally or not becoz i cant write anything out..I have finished it 3 days earlier and went to see my lecturer about it..Nevertheless, he sees NO link between my 2 arguments and so I gota do some extra research for a small point n then add a whole chunk of paragraph to link my arguments..even my focus has changed slightly seriously..But oh well..everything is done by now!
Afta handing in my essay that day, I have got a headache..real bad..and I completely lost the mood to celebrate or cheer..or rather..u wudnt hav the reason to cheer seeing that exam is SO NEAR YOU yet u haven even start a bit of Revision!
Oh well, I promised my pies to watch a movie with them..and a dinner with nite was basically OFF! And then comes Saturday which is the 'stock-up-food-day' and cleaning day to prepare ourselves for SWOT VAC..and I end up all so exhausted at the end of the day that i have no mood to start studyin...:(
2nd year 1st sem was something different to me..and I guess its becoz of the mentality change I have..Not too stress anymore and more relax in a way..there r pros and cons..and there comes my experience of campaigning and running for an election...
Law friends are still the best as usual and I have met couple more of new friends at uni..Oh ya, not to mention my awesome group mates for Introductory Econometrics..have been working well with them..:) And so, all in all it was a great semester...apart from my demotivated experience in OB..still am not gona give up on it..I still stand a chance to score in the exam..Guess they really gona change their unfair system of marking our can 1 tute get all H1s and the others all score so badly?! Cant figure that out! All I hope is a H2 grade for my exam..H1 has long flew away from me..Nvm..I still have other subjects to fulfill my dream..
Haven been having much mood to blog and so I apologize for that...Great battle ahead..and gona work hard from now!
Its as immune to the holidays coz I jus wanted exams to be later...and not so soon in less than 2 weeeks time..
So good luck to all my buddies who are mugging for exam now..All the best! :P
p/s: suddenly I miss my bro..oh well..he is the one who has been motivating me when am super stress with my essay and he is now enjoying his post exam holidays..AAH..lucky fellow!
Rytee, cheers!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Bad day or bad luck?
Monday, May 19, 2008
Legal Theory
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Election Results...
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
How r u?
Yup..The election I mentioned before has started...Oooo..Intense huh? Yea..i have been getting all my friends to vote for me..:P and I was really grateful for all their support...there are all so nice..and people are wishing me luck when I walk around the law school...and this I told myself that I have already won the election spiritually with all the support of my friends..Even if I dont get the post, I know I have tried my best..Nothing to regret..:) *Bow* Thank you so much. And this is why I love my law friends so much.
The annual meeting will oni be on Thursday and the results will be announced on that day..Wish me luck..tomoro is the last day for voting..and I hope all is well..Will surely post about the outcome no matter dun worry about that...
And so, apart from election, how about studies? Hmm..yes...everyone is busy busy doing their assignment and stress is building up in everyone..Then, wut about me? Haha..I was surprise of how am feeling now..but i koe..the stress in me will erupt when i start writing my Legal Theory master piece..100% essay..wonder how will I fair in that...oni 2 outcome..either i score or i screw it..of coz, am not gona screw we shall hope for the best...
Seeing that I cant work well at home coz i will fall asleep or get myself occupied with unnecessary things at home..I decided to study at the library..but did I go in the library?
Hmm...I found that the webcam in the laptop that we can borrow from the library is working and so we started to take some photos.. Lame I koe..haha..but girls just wana have fun..Especially when am with my beloved law friends..BUT..jus when i wanted to post the photos in this blog, I realised that it wasnt saved properly in my thumbdrive...SWT! I koe..I was surprise that it went missing..Hmph!
p/s: remember the LV bag that I was adoring before this, hell, I saw someone using it in the library today and that girl apparently use it as a uni bag?! Wth! Give me and I will treasure it beta..*shakes head*
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!!
Mom has alwis been the main support to everything I do..and afta all the ups and downs we face in life, the relationship between mom and I has become even closer..and eventhough, life may not be as smooth as it be nowadays..I do believe that with the support of my mother I will surely get through it...This year, I am once again not by my mother's side on this special day coz am stuck in Melbourne, but I koe best wut mom's want for this Mother's Day although at some point, I might not be able to help her fulfill her wish..Nevertheless, I will not let my mom down no matter what and graduating with a great degree in Melb Uni and achieving great success in future will hopefully be able to help compensate mom with her unfulfilled wish...
Mom has always been a flower lover and flowers can alwis have this power to make her smile and feel happy..So, my sis and I have decided to get her a bouquet of flowers dis year.Not roses, coz it will die off easily, but some flowers that are longlasting.. so that it will keep mom's happiness long lasting :)
And I just wana say, Mom, no matter wut, you still have ME and I LOVE YOU! I wish that u can become happier and cheerful each and every day..Very soon, I will be by your side to share all your happiness and sorrow :) Take care!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
ILSS Election
Remember last year i have run for the position of First Year Representative in the ILSS committee and didnt make it in the end?
Well, its the time of the year again for the ILSS Election to come about and this time, am attempting it for the second time to run for the position of Treasurer! Yes, my second time! Keep the count going, coz seriously am not really confident that I will get it this time. Why so u ask? Coz my competitors are both later year students and on top of that, they are committees of the current board. Obviously, they will gain the main support from the Committee board itself. Despite knowing that i Might lose the election again (its not a 100% lose yet OK? who koes I would have more votes than them? nyek nyek), I thought to myself: 'Why not give it a try and do it seriously this time?" Yes! Compare to last year, I have placed much effort into it and this year I have got myself a poster! Thanks Ai Ming for helping me to design my poster! The poster do look impressive and awesome..I really like it...hopefully it does bring me some luck.
But I dun koe why am so worried about the election..I koe I shouldnt be coz its suppose to be an easy going thingy..Maybe its becoz of the many negative issues that strike me when am deciding on whether to run for the position..Seriously, I dun mind losing the election BUT what strikes me deeply was the 2-faced scenario that I witness in some of my frens..and I koe supportive friends are neva easy to I guess this is another test of friendship..Nvm I told myself, as long as I have faith on my own and I koe I am capable of handling the job as a committee I will do it this time. And I really thank Phey Shan and David for being so supportive of me to run for the election..Of coz, to my family and my gang of law friends that are all so ready to cast their vote for me...thank you!
Tomorrow is the dateline for the ILSS Nomination thingy...and Im handling in my form and poster...Wish me luck ok? And I thank you in advance for voting me! No matter what the results is, I will accept it..and David was right: 'If people want you to serve the office, they will vote for you' and yes, he is running for President dis time! ambitious..but i koe he is capable of it and his social circle is huge enuf to win him the position..wish him luck too!( I koe sumtimes people thing wut David says is abit exaggerative and they tend to laugh at him, but at times, it sounds logical and meaningful to me and I wouldnt be bothered if u r laughing at me now) If this time i dont get it, I will surely go for it again next year and not give up coz I believe I can do it and am determined to do it ;)
Indeed, this is a very good experience for me coz I actually started campaigning around law school and asking people to vote for me..Hmm..neva thought I will do so..but I guess I gota do so coz at uni, u are not elected as a committee coz of your capability BUT your popularity! Yes, I koe that sounds so wrong but in reality, popularity brings u everything..and that if I am a celebrity, I can assure you I can be elected easily..sad la, Janet Tham is not dat popular in uni..
Alritey, enuf of said, just 3 words to end the post: