time flies...dis is no doubt...*blink* blink* and there u go..its the end of the learning period for sem 1...but of coz...its not all end yet...i still hav to battle with 4 evil exams before i can declare finishing the course for sem 1...u koe how it normally works when u play any games...when u reach the final stage...u need to battle some monster before u can declare victory ..n dats the same situation im facing now..mayb im not suppose to blog durin dis intense period..but well..i think today is kinda a memorable day...its time to reflect...
from the 1st day of uni...introducin ourselves to new frens in class and starting on our course by swtichin our holiday mode back to study mode...n now...exam mode...n soon...back to holiday mode..lol..it all happen like a cycle...
among all d classes i have for dis semester, Microeconomics, Quantitative Method 1, LMR and PPL...guess i will miss PPL the most...n its also my last lesson for today despite i dun feel like its the end yet..mayb bcoz i enjoy the company of my frens in the class and of coz i like the lecturer the most among all...i like Jackie, my lecturer..she is really benevolent n nice...n most importantly, she teaches well and helps us a lot in our studies...besides
Jackie, it will be my gang of frens...
Wendy and
Yoland..perhaps...3 of us are the noisiest Asians in the class...actually,PPL was the class that i koe no one before on the 1st day of uni yet i get to meet many amazing frens in there...both Wendy and Yoland are local Asians and we hav fun studyin together..esp Wendy..without her guidance, i guess i will b lost in the entire subject...n yea..i will definitely miss of our weekly study group sessions....and also..my other girlfriends,
Yuqi and
Eliza...oh yea, the boys..haha...thou we dun hang out always but they r very friendly..yes..Asians..my first fren in class..the guy whom i introduced to the class-
Kevin, and
Edward,En Lai, Felix etc...
well, other than that i guess LMR is second..but i dun quite like the class mayb bcoz it disappointed me at the very 1st wk of classn oso the lecturer..yea i fail my first class exercise n was asked to attend some workshops for help...but anyhow, i hav great frens there as well..not so much of the internationals..they r jus ok except for David- freaky guy..lol..beat me in the election! but i guess he is more competent than me to take the position..so nvm..yea..im sayin bt d locals in my class dis time...
Alexjandra (great help from her),
Alice and
Tehilla (the gals are also in my PPL class) ^ ^.
commerce...erm..not too much to mention..well..mayb
Monica and
Adam..my new frens in my micro n Qm tute...other than that...all other frens are jus like a 'Hi and Bye' fren, if not, they r mostly my trinity frens..but dat doesnt mean i dun treasure my frenship wiv them..mayb we need more time to koe each other..oh yea...my lunch hang out frens..
Christine n
Irina is yet another brilliant gal besides
Jess who is doin well for both comm n law..Salute them! i will try to do better next sem..hehe
dis is uni..u cant stay wiv the same ppl for the entire course..u meet new ppl when a new semester starts but hopefully..all dis frenships could last coz they are all really nice people that i met in uni..n dis is why..im not so much of frensick dis year but..i still miss u ppl in Msia...there is no doubt for dat..k then..gota start studyin now..all my frens are workin so hard..i dun wana be behind..i mus add oil as well..lolx..
All the best to all my frens in uni for their exams and hopefully i can be in the same class wiv them in future ! Good luck :)