this is wut happen today...
tick tok tick tok...the clock strikes 1pm n signals the end of today's PPL seminar...everyone seems to be in a rush..and disappear from the, on the other hand, was takin my own time packin my stuff coz deep inside heart is pumping really quickly...why is everyone in a rush? yes..they all have rushed upstairs to collect their casenotes...tryin to calm myself...vivien n i made our way see the beeline at the counter...everyone is so worried...n u c ppl comin out wiv their casenote...some casting a smile..some jus show no expression...n me, freakin scared of my results, standing in the queue wiv yoland, vivien, jess n madeleine, clutchin tight on my jacket..hopin to calm myself down. im so worried till i stunt at the middle of the queue and yoland had to pull me forward whenever the queue proceeds....
"Next!!" gosh..its my turn...freaky...i pass my student card to the assistant n stated my lecturer's name...(receive the paper)...clutchin tight on d paper afraid of checkin my marks...frens hav been askin me abt my performance..n i jus answer.."errr...i haven check" while havin d paper wiv me for almost 5 last, vivien gave me the gut to flip on to the last page where the mark is...n OMG!!...i cant believe wut i saw written on my paper...dis is utterly out of my expectation...thou its not a H1...but to me, its like heaven...i have neva expected to get a H2B...all i wanted is jus a pass...PPL is oredi a credit to me...n now...LMR has shocked me wiv a greater achievemt...i had tears in my eyes...happy tears....after all those hard work...somehow..i feel that all my effort and time is finally paid off...all those stress i endured while doin my assignment, its all worth it...and actually im expecting to do better in PPL since i spent more time on it and had only a week for LMR....
dis is all so unbelievable...n i really wana thank those who hav help n support me wiv my studies all dis time..without you all, i wouldnt hav made it...gosh...still can believe it...lolx..
And another great news is that dis time...all 3 of us passed!! really jie da huan so happy...finally 3 of us can celebrate our success get high marks or low marks doesnt matter to us in law coz all we want is a PASS! n there u go...we did it my pals!! :)
today is really a rewarding day for me and i treated myself dinner at Chinabar...yea..its not great food but i seldom dine out...recently, i jus dun hav time to cook...meals are rather simple for me..but dis wont b long coz mom will b arriving soon...n good food will be!
dats it for my unbelievable encounter wiv LMR, and congrats once again to all my frens who passed...esp must be a great moment for her coz PPL has really disappointed her..but anyhow, i believe that we all can do no worries and cheers!!
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