woohoo~my commerce subjects are done!! mind u..i din really do well for both...but im glad i manage to finish my QM1 paper today..not dat panic like micro...maybe there is always the first time..afta dat..u will get use to the massive exam atmosphere..with 2000+ over students sitting for their exams at the same time...gargantuan...n the irony is...we are all having our exams in a world heritage spot...the Melbourne Royal Exhibition Building...see how beautiful the building is...

haihz..but dat doesnt help to reduce ur stress level when u r in there...haha...i saw some students takin photos inside the building afta exams...yea..its the end of exam for 1st year Melb uni commerce students n they are free! how good is dat...n now..u will ask...y did u take double degree? wouldnt it b good if u can jus go home tonite or tomoro..n yea...yee (medic student) is goin home tonite!...ouch...i wana follow her home too....anyway..i kinda self declare a holz for myself b4 i move on into my pile of law notes...n start mugging again...non-stop until the end...lol...
met mom at da city afta exam..had dinner...n shop for a bit..bot really cheap scarf..oni 5 bucks n went for Mac Brenner's Hot Chocolate...yum yum..its great to have a cup of hot chocolate when its so cold n freezy...n yea..dats mom's request for Mother's day...she actually requested 4 2 cups of hot chocolate..so i guess we will go for Koko Black the next time...for those of u who dunno...both Mac Brenner n Koko Black are the famous hot chocolate shop in Melbourne..! hehe...
cheers people...i gota work on now...not long ppl...i will b back to meet u! :P
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