Afta 3 months of fun and relaxation, Yes, I am sent back into reality and being reminded of my real identity as a 2nd year student at the University of Melbourne.. No matter how reluctant I am, I have no choice..And for the first time, I cried at the airport and on the plane..My tears jus cudnt resist..and it was a really hard time for me to leave my friends and family dis time..Not my first time flying..but..i was really really touched by my friends..especially by my primary school frens who came to my doorstep and sent me off..
All they did was simple..a scrap book with photos and their appearance...and i fell for it..
I truly felt the love and care they had for me...the photos..thou ordinary..encompasses all the sweet memories we had together for the last couple of was really great to meet them again..and i hope that we will remain as close in future..really..not another 8 years to meet will definately be a torture for me if its so..
During this holz, I was once lonely coz my frens were busy and had no time for me..and I holiday will oni be occupied by my intern work and the time i spent with my family..but it all turn good when the 6M people reunited..
Too much of fun and laughter would really hold me back from my studies..and it did last semester when my friends had given such a great time during my return in June/July last year..and the consequences is dat i failed to concentrate in my studies..or rather to tune myself bac into my study mode..did ok for Commerce and screwed Law..sth dat I regretted I thought dis holiday wud b ok if i wud to live a neutral life...but went to the peak again and now its hard for me to settle down in Melbourne..real hard...
Well, uni already started today..tough journey i wud say...Intro Econometrics is like a torture coz its full of maths dat I have long returned to my teachers at high school and college..Legal Theory....all it teaches u is 'how to become a lawyer/legal profession...Organisational Behaviour seems ok to me..hopefully i can cope with dat and Business Finance...a fresh subject for me..wic i dun koe how well i cud do in it..
Hence, u can clearly see how hard I gota really work in this semester to score well in da subjects..!
Really miss the Gen-2 3 boyfrens..(p/s: was rather a joke abt my bfs in the last post)..sori if u guys believed me...Honestly, I am not dat lucky to have someone fall for me!
Them with another best buddy..haihz..

and i din koe we cud be so close..coz sometimes we are jus inseparable~
Gota really get over this hard feeling very soon..becoz already today..i saw the deadlines of assignments waving at me..and that means i gota kick some ass already!
Wish me luck in my studies and hopefully i could cheer myself up very soon!
Take care people!
Owh..I jus miss my frens back in Malaysia...*sob sob*
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