And u ask wow, SWOT VAC? So soon?!
Let me tell u this, today is the LAST DAY OF SWOT VAC...isnt time scary? And this Swot Vac, I had a very different experience and I hope that it is all for the Good..
Its raining out there and am sitting in my room having a little break by myself before I get into the zone again and start mugging..I still remember, usually at this time, i will be stressing out and feeling to kill myself..but today, am sitting here calmly n blogging..
Tomoro is the day of the soon and I dont even know if I am prepared to face it..
So yea, fingers crossed and wish me luck...
This swot vac has been very unique on its least I dont feel dat stress anymore...
Mom will be glad to know that...
And yes, I cant wait for this to be over...
Admin, u better be good since I've spent most of my time on you and to ACE and Corp Fi, I know u both love me and so treat me well..Obs, u have placed immense pressure on me but we both still love each other right?
So yea, Janet is going to GAMBATE this EXAM !!!
To everybody who suffers the same fate as me, GOOD LUCK for ya EXAMS!
Aja Aja Fighting!!!

At least something is motivating me for now...coz I've received my very first ever 21st Birthday Present..hehe..Yes, its none other than the lovely MARC JACOBS DAISY Parfum..I've got the Gold one coz its scent is more longlasting than the normal one...Hehe..this is gona be my new love when i turn 21!
Counting down to the BIG DAY!!...:)
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