Thinking back to the past...May was my very first friend in Trinity College...we knew each other during the briefing session in Malaysia and planned to do our registration at the college together by contacting each other online..God knows why its so hard to get ur internet connected when u first arrived in Melbourne and coincidently, we met each other at the city! and ther you go...our friendship grew...from camp to college and now to Uni!...thou just a year...lots of things have happened between us...and of coz our friendship has blossomed too...
Before the clock strikes 12am again, i shall take the opportunity of these very last minutes to send my warmest regards and best wishes to Beh Siew Ying~ a very caring and close fren of mine in Melbourne, thou blurrish at times...hehe :)
(p/s: haha..according to may, im the oni person who calls her by her full name- yupz..and dat makes me unique..lolx)...
We all have started the journey here in Melbourne together and i koe that, without ur presence and our friendship, i wouldnt have make my life here in Melbourne...all the best my dear fren...coz i believe, you can achieve ur dreams one day... Once again, Happy 19th Birthday and thanks for the hearty dinner! Most importantly, i hope that happiness will surround you at all times!! hehe~

Cheers to our friendship!
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