Yes...the thing im looking for in me is back! Dont ask me what it is...jus some inner happiness i guess...i have been feeling happy and relax dis few days despite the hectic load of assignments...not dat im free of stress...exams are near and its the time of the year where u work urself in full would be sufferings for me later...but at least, now am feeling happy...good things seem to not sure y i suddenly felt happiness once again...maybe i have let go of the past and accept the reality that im now belonged to Melbourne...i am partially a Melbournian?...well...dont misunderstand me...i will alwis be a Malaysian...Malaysia is still my warmy home...just dat i have learn how to live in this foreign place...and perhaps...the good news i received from my frens have made me happy! yea..many of my frens enjoyed their lives in UK...and i ask myself..y am i sad? i guess dat tells...there is no reason for me to be sad since i have my great companions and friends over here...there are stages in ur lives and u just cant stop at that stage and refuse to move on...人总是要往前望 the petronas national day advertisement says: 'Jalan mesti ke depan dan bukan ke belakang'...My future is bright and i should never dwell in the past again...NO MORE EMO PLZ!! coz janet wans to be happy!
oh well, several good news from my pals: sue faye is doin well in Ireland with her great seniors and friends and 'black devil' tien meng just strike an unbelievable "A" in his exam!! nothing really can beat a devil huh?!congrats!!
And yesterday, i went out for a meet up with steph and ai ming. Steph is in our plan was to meet once every month BUT eversince we are back in July, we are all hit by assignments and were all SOO busy..till yesterday, we finally hang out together before all the sorrow and stress in exam preparation haunts us again..hees...we met up for lunch at Stalactites, an authentic Greek cuisine restaurant..woosh!..great food man..but we chose to have a light lunch coz 好戏在后头, we need to keep some space in our stomach for some great delicacies later...hehe...
*Steph and ME*
Ai Ming the awesome!!
We din head there straight away afta lunch , coz thou its a light lunch, we seemed to be feeling quite, guess wut? we went SHOPPING!! haha...poor steph, ai ming and i kept on trying on clothes in Esprit..well thats the only branded place i will shop in Melb coz i have discount card and discount vouchers there..and so, me and ai ming each got some new clothes! woohoo!
CHOCO pizza! Try it before??
Then, it was the greatest enjoyment of the day! we went to Max Brenner's for tea!..haven got the pics from ai ming...but will post them later...the chocolate indulgence was so great such that we felt like we were in Chocolate Heaven! haha....that's it for now! Janet is working hard...neva 偷懒..well i think everyone is studyin hard now...hehe :)

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