Monday, November 23, 2009

3rd Year Law/Comm Done!

One more paper and I shall call it a DONE to my 3rd year Law/Comm uni life..well provided that I PASS all my exams..fingers crossed..there have been many challenges to the exams this time and for once, I cant guarantee a complete PASS to all my papers..Not because I didnt work hard enough but the subjects are just not my cup of tea and i know that I have given my 100% to do well in them so hopefully my hard work would be paid off...

Soon..I would have to learn to stay alone during this Summer period with the heat surrounding me and survive for the two months of summer in Melbourne..and awaiting the return of my love ones..yes, I have become dependent yet I gota learn to be independent once least for these two months..

Yes, I am not returning to Malaysia for this Summer and wanting to experience the HEAT in Melbourne..oh well maybe its not too good an idea..but when a decision is made, it is made..not going home this holiday...

I guess I will do fine but no doubt I will miss my love ones very much...

Till then, and wish me luck for my final Contracts paper..

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