Haihz..*shakes head*..so quick..its my last day of holiday oredi...2 weeks..zoom...n there u go..its back to uni time...n dis is wut i feared most..bcoz..dis time its different..i hav 4 more weeks of uni n guess wut?! BOOM! Exam is back to haunt me again..yup..my exam timetable is out..so sad la...i oni hav a few days btw BPA and TORTS..a real challenge for me to study for both of them..but dats not the point for now..im more concern of how am i gona cope wiv all the revisions and studies in 4 weeks..i said dat i wana catch up on Torts and ATA dis holz..but in the end..wut did i do? NOTHING!!...i hav 3 assignmts waving at me now...Macro is done in a hahaz mode..n so i nid to double check it..n ATA is hell...plus BPA is not as appealing to me anymore..i get confused! Sigh..nid to get back to my study mode oredi...cant PLAY PLAY oredi...No joke..its time to settle down and kick some ass..last sem i din do dat well ...n dis sem..its suppose to be a revenge .. can i do it??...well, i will try my best...2moro its gona be EMO day..coz my darling
sue faye will be leaving for Ireland...am suppose to be happy for her..but...when i think of her leaving me...i jus cant help feeling sad..oh yea, the special calender i made for her has arrived in Malaysia safely...n its gona accompany sue faye to Ireland...woohoo~
For the day is beautiful when you have great companions havin fun with you...
thank you my frens...for making my holiday such a wonderful one
and for being such awesome frens to me~ love ya gals and ivan! :P
'For the day will be bright no matter how gloomy our life is'

"Hence, live life to the fullest and have no regrets for it"
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