Its SPRING now in Melbourne!! wow...the season i love the most...
coz its the season of love...the air will be filled with love..hehe...
finally, the first thing dat happen in spring was to officially hand in my TORTS!!! yesh...handing in my torts is jus like removing a huge burden off my shoulders....n i feel like...i hav basically finish for least for the assignment part...i still have tons of readings to catch up...
gota start mugging soon...
the bad thing is..i started to SLACK and get into the holiday lazy and slacky to do anythin at home...everyday i reach home...i jus feel like relaxin..well, will allow myself to do so for jus a few days...coz seriously i hav lots to catch up n revise...especially ACCOUNTING!...
jus finish my accounting assignment wiv kim was advanced level of accounting...really gota thank him a lot...coz its a pair work and i feel guilty for not contributing much due to my limited knowledge of accounting...but i told myself...i mus learn evrything in ARA dis holiday (the basic level- i skipped the subject n now i suffer..well i hav a valid reason for skipping it...coz i was EXEMPTED...hehe) dat i could do more for the next chew has been very tolerate with me...hope he wont think dat pairing up wiv me was just a wrong decision...i promise i will work harder...hees...:p
n there u go...the week started off great...
n im lookin forward to happier days in my life...
coz its SPRING...n u r suppose to FEEL LOVED this season...
jus a short post to acknowledge my long awaited SPRING season...
oh ya people, im finally getting my new phone dis an order yesterday...hope to receive it soon...hehe...
Anticipating and presenting to u~ Sony Ericsson W580

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