Holla!i called back to MALAYSIA!!... Feel so good afta speaking to my buddies back in Malaysia..yea ...the OUTING gang...comprising ME!, sue faye, tien meng, mei khoon, tsu hong and ai phing!..crazy people thou...its so exciting hearing their voices thru the phone...n sf especially..screaming all d way when she heard my voice..my dear, im as excited as well when i hear ur voice! coz for a long long time..im so not gona hear ur voice...gota miss u loads!!
its really amazing of how we click with each other...seriously, apart from sf and mk, i have known others for less than a year ! Yet we are so close...jus as if we have known each other for long...our friendship is definitely comparable to all my other long known frens...
ahh..the sad thing is ..mei khoon is leaving to US today..owh...gota miss her loads!!but wut i wana say is ,thou me n mei khoon kinda know each other since form 1, we have neva get along so often..till June/July when im back dis year..we got to hang out wiv each other and have so much fun together...all the yum cha, party n drinking...yes..we oni koe how to treasure things when we koe dat we are goin to lose them..dear mei khoon...without u in december...it will neva be dat fun!...nevertheless, we must keep in touch from now and then...all the best for ur studies overther..hehe..looks like we are at both ends of the world...US and AUST...so so far...
Me n Mei Khoon <3
the gang is havin a farewell lunch wiv mk b4 she left..n its so cool to hav talked to everyone...the phone call had made me miss u ppl even MORE!! but certainly, afta hearing ur voices, all headaches and sickness i had all dis days are gone!! yes..im gona hang on for a while more...and yes! chicken little i will head to PENANG to find u!!haha!!Right, pictures of my beloved frens!! MISS YOU ALL!! yes...YOU,YOU, YOU, YOU and YOU!

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