Monday, December 17, 2007
When im back in Melbourne, time is something really crucial..coz it marks the date of assignments, the date of exams, the date of holidays and most importantly, the date of me returning..
Yet my return this time seems to bring me to no where...there are things that have become a fact..wic i koe...i could neva change...or not let it happen...what has happened has happened...i do envy some of my friends...but there is nothing i could do to what im facing now...
Perhaps work was the best therapy for me...i koe some of you may think that im a lil crazy...why work when im suppose to take a good rest and enjoy myself...
Maybe im just not as lucky as some of you...there are things that i've gota face...and work will help to put things aside...staying happy is jus not an easy task for me afta all...
Met some of my frens finally...and they all look so much healthier and cheerful than me..bad news..i realise my frens are gettin prettier and gorgeous..and on the other hand, i look a bit old..OUCH! that's a pain..Hmm...too much thinking going on in my head...causing me lookin older..haha..
Anywayz, meeting Him again was good although this time i feel like a stranger to him ...hopefully, things will turn beta btw us...afta all, friends are forever...
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Once again, i feel the spirit of LM
The gang who neva fails to make me smile :)
Love you all and thanks for the gathering...
i really miss the times when we are all together in high school..
Life goes on...Till then people..!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Afta all, im not as great anymore...or maybe..i have neva been...
It was just a lie to myself...
And my lucky star is slowly drifting away from me...
Saturday, December 1, 2007
I just hope that one day...i will find my way out to the sunshine~
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Happy Birthday
...last year..i had exams...this year....well...
No matter wut, he will still stand an important place in my and forever...
All the best and i hope that he will stay happy as alwis...
thats my wish for him...
Happy 19th Birthday once again....
Sunday, November 18, 2007
First Year Comm/Law 2007 exams have officially ended...but it din end well and gave me a good memory abt it..
My last paper was foremost disappointing...i shall neva forget how i felt when i hand in my paper..for others, it was joy and for me, it was grief and sorrow..and regretful...
A random conversation of mine and my fren
My frens: Janet, exams are over...! you koe dat?
Me: Yes, of coz i koe..and i force a bitter smile...
(To doesnt make a difference...coz..i have done so badly in the exams for dis sem...dat i hav nothin to look forward a months time, i shall face the punishment myself while looking at my results..haihz..its no one's fault but mine...)
I just pray that i wont fail my torts especially..just a Pass
thou i wanted to do better...
Forcing a smile when u r sad wasnt was trying to cheer me up these few days..but i guess i jus need time to get over it...
My freshman year has thereby gone away...without me realising, my First year of uni's life has passed! so quick and so swift...4 more years to go! Long way...
I just hope that things will get better in future...
Well. if u were thinking y am i so emotional at this time, i guess Mushu, the mischievous dragon in Mulan was right: 'Dragons are emotional!"
Koe its random..but may be true at times..
Till then people~
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Internet OFF!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Swot Vac
HE can be Aunty at times....
BUT No Doubt...HE is a Great Friend!
All the best Ivan! :)
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Last day of uni for sem 2 First Year
Thou its the last day of sem 2 and i already finished all my lectures and tutorials for the sem, its not END yet bcoz u koe..whenever u end a game..u must first get thru a Battle..rite, a battle with the Evil exams...haihz *shakes head*..y cant a semester jus end happily without exams?
Well, well, back to reflection of the sem..hmm..i shall say, sem 1 was more fun than sem 2 coz everything in sem 2 just happen like BOOM BOOM BOOM!! and BOOM! its the end of my classes quick and swift dat i dunno wut is happening.. .
Yes, i will have to go thru dis Boring and Challenging routine for 5 years..erm, be exact, i hav oni 4 years left! woohoo~
Oh yea, the oni difference is that dis sem i have earned quite an amount of money from participating in research experiments and feedback session..not gona disclose the amount i've prevent ppl askin me for a treat..hehe!
And i shall say that i have found my true interest in studyin LAW and so i will work hard to improve my grades...COMMERCE, well, im doin quite fine...but i guess, my ultimate interest still lies in LAW...yupz..
Nevertheless, i learnt sth from dis sem wic is to Have Faith in Yourself and Ignore Wut Others are doing, afta all dis is your life, why care abt others?! And also, i realise, some people are nice to talk to and some people are not, coz sometimes conversations may be hurtful....(p/s: you may disagree wiv wut i think..but well..dat applies to me for now)
Rite, thats it for this sem! Farewell and im looking forward to greater experiences at uni!
Dont ask me if im excited of completing my first year studies or even dis semester coz weirdly, i have not much feelings about it...
All sorts of emotions and feelings are involved here~
Some of my frens are real excited while some of them feel sad bcoz they hav to leave the subjects and not go to lectures for the subject me, dat feeling is interesting...
And i shall thank all my frens who had given me such a great experience at uni dis sem...known a couple of new friends dis semester and my friend circle is expanding! Good good.
But im still searching for the 'belonged and family' feel i so had with my LM Commitees back in high school..they are jus incomparable! One thing wic i missed so much afta graduating from high school!Hehe..
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Week 12
i shall say dat dis semester went by quicker than last sem...maybe bcoz we are flooded by assignments the whole entire semester..yes...until week 12...the last week of the semester...believe it or not?4 months has passed..i still feel like im in mid sem...well choice...the battle is waiting for me in 2 weeks time..EVIL...haihz
Hynoptize for 3 hours straight once i finish my econs lecture today..for some unknown reasons, i was so tired and sleepy even during the lecture and then i headed home...aiks..wasted my whole aftanoon not studyin...平时读书已经比人家慢了,还要浪费时间睡觉 sad...cant help la..too tired..
oh ya, the library has extended its hours to 3am..actually i planned to go there everynite to study since i will fall asleep at home but one thing, i went there yesterday and it was amazingly crowded..yea..all the lazy bugs have shifted their home to the i came home..i guess..i wont be goin ther everynite...if i were to go, i hav to be there early to save a seat for myself..and im fussy, i cant study wiv if its too crowded and some ppl actually talk instead of study, i cant i decided to stay at home...Home is supposed to be the place u keep urself alone..provided dat my neighbour dun talk on the phone so loud! for Godsake!
well, my theory before hand is less pressured now...i learn to ignore wut i shouldnt be listening to...and working on my own pace now..not dat im working slowly and taking my own sweet time..its intensive but on my own pace and hopefully all will go smoothly...:)
Thursday, October 18, 2007
For now...
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Till now, the status of my assignment is still OPEN i.e. its still not processed completely. See applyin my BPA knowledge to everything...
Im feeling behind of everyone each and every day and today, its the first revision day for Torts, my lecturer went thru some flow charts, yea..the concepts are familiar to me..but..if u ask me to advice u in a hypothetical situation..i basically cant provide u with anything...ppl r starting to make notes...20 days really uncertain of my ability to strive once again..i have been working very hard these few days doing my assignment but not studying.
BPA is not really be honest, it was my favorite subject at the start of the semester coz it interests me and becoz I found my interest in the subject, i decided to continue with my major in accounting, despite i have been suffering in ATA...but now, the subject is delaying me from my revision process...people ard me have started studying as i have mentioned...and i koe clearly that to score a H1, i will have to put a lot of effort in it..but would time allow me to do so? seriously it will all be luck for me to get a H1 this time.
its really wrong to think this way but seeing that i hav limited time to prepare for exams, im hoping that i'd do well in my torts least i will not feel dat stress...Just re-enrolled for next year's academic subjects, i pretty much koe where im heading to..just that i guess i nid to work harder for law now since im aiming to obtain an honours for it...y honours? i din plan to have an honours degree at first but bcoz im pursuing my masters afta my degree, i needed the honours degree to enrol for the course..well all comes back to me striving for my dream again..
im tired and sleepy now..3 hours of BPA in the library yet im not done..i beliv that 2moro there will b much editings to do..hopefully all can be done by 2moro and i shall really get into my revision studies...
Mom is not back from overseas yet...i hav no one to talk to...:(
Anywayz, Im motivating myself to work hard now...will definitely do my best coz dis sem its suppose to be a revenge for the exams!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Study plz!! dis time, no one will even care abt wut u type!
who cares?! NO ONE! coz they are all burying themselves under their books..wic i shud b doin the same too!
so is so gona nag me for not starting my revision early again...and if my results aint good dis time, i can jus blame myself for it...
Plz...bring me back to my study force! i seriously nid it...wherever u are, plz come back...its exam time! i cant afford to lose any more time...T T
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Happy Birthday to Siew Ying aka May

Cheers to our friendship!
Monday, October 8, 2007
It's back!!

*Steph and ME*

Ai Ming the awesome!!
We din head there straight away afta lunch , coz thou its a light lunch, we seemed to be feeling quite, guess wut? we went SHOPPING!! haha...poor steph, ai ming and i kept on trying on clothes in Esprit..well thats the only branded place i will shop in Melb coz i have discount card and discount vouchers there..and so, me and ai ming each got some new clothes! woohoo!

CHOCO pizza! Try it before??
Then, it was the greatest enjoyment of the day! we went to Max Brenner's for tea!..haven got the pics from ai ming...but will post them later...the chocolate indulgence was so great such that we felt like we were in Chocolate Heaven! haha....that's it for now! Janet is working hard...neva 偷懒..well i think everyone is studyin hard now...hehe :)

Monday, October 1, 2007
Farewell My Dear
looking back..i cant believe dat we have actually known each other for 13 years...since standard 1 in Kuen Cheng and then Catholic and then all the fun time we had together during the holidays..along the journey, of coz there is unhappiness in it..but in the end, we have came to be the Best of Best Frens in the world..and i hope that our friendship will remain the same no matter where we are and how we are in future coz all this while we have grown up together and there is no reason for this friendship to not last forever...agree?...hehe...
I will neva forget all the great moments that we had had together and i look forward to meeting you again next year in June coz u and i koe dat its so gonna be a blast of fun when u and I reunite again...hehe
so have a pleasant flight and keep in touch yea! Do wut u nid to do when u settle down in Ireland! first of first, SMS me and inform me of ur contacts! Shouldnt be too worry abt u in Ireland since u are alwis the independent 'dai ka che' who neva fails to manage things on ur own...hehe..
Im so gonna miss ur presence especially when im back in Malaysia...:)
Love you <3, wei yue. *Muaks*
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Frens and Fun

For the day is beautiful when you have great companions havin fun with you...
thank you my frens...for making my holiday such a wonderful one
and for being such awesome frens to me~ love ya gals and ivan! :P
'For the day will be bright no matter how gloomy our life is'
"Hence, live life to the fullest and have no regrets for it"
Friday, September 28, 2007
Mooncake Festival *My Day*
And so, on that nite, 'I' (haha) - THE MOON of coz shone brightly in the sky...welcoming the celebration of the festival and i felt so happy looking at it..and was pretty excited the whole nite...dats y they think dat im a lil crazy and high on that nite..wut do u expect..its my day wert..sure mus feel happy la..LOL!
the Moon shining brightly up in the impressive ^^
Lantern and Me
A must take GROUP PIC!
And of coz thanks a million to our forever PRO photographer,
Miss Chow Ai Ming ^^
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Calls Marathon
so u ask y i suddenly 兴致勃勃 wana make phone calls back home..home sick? no la..fren la..haha..then wut?? its because my phone card credit is going to expire tomoro..and i still have credits...i have 15AUD left dis week..and dis whole week i have been calling back to malaysia everyday..its like so cool...neva make so many phone calls in a row its the last i must finish it by today...
it started with my 2nd sis!..sistaz talk..hehe..more of me talking thou...and then..its mom! and then its dad! and then its elder sis!...i called my whole family individually!..and then i still have credit! i chose to call my 'soh lou' (c i got miss u..hehe)..coz today he finish exam mus call him..seriously,to finish the remaining 5 AUD, i have to talk like 2.5 afta long oni i realise how long and how worthy it is for me to call home with the call card...haha..really talk until 'soh' liao..
but then hor, my last call was kinda short...but i talked to the most people, coz when i called...'soh lou' is chilling at bangkok jazz with sue faye, li ching and matthew WITHOUT ME!! Grr....summore ask me wut to drink..i want to drink la! vodka, whisky, rum, beer...apa pun boleh la!..blek..very bad wan...alwis dun wait for me...hmph!
so u ask, how did i spend my nite? i will tell u dat i have spent my nite with great companions talkin to me on the phone..haha..with my dearest family and good!
okla..its late already...gota get some woke up so late coz yesterday i was on the phone wiv li ching and slept phone phone...this week is full of phone calls...lolz.. :p
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
You made me miss U even MORE!!
Me n Mei Khoon <3
the gang is havin a farewell lunch wiv mk b4 she left..n its so cool to hav talked to everyone...the phone call had made me miss u ppl even MORE!! but certainly, afta hearing ur voices, all headaches and sickness i had all dis days are gone!! gona hang on for a while more...and yes! chicken little i will head to PENANG to find u!!haha!!Right, pictures of my beloved frens!! MISS YOU ALL!! yes...YOU,YOU, YOU, YOU and YOU!

Saturday, September 15, 2007
Adrian's birthday :)
Birthday boy!!
And so, i had a great outing wiv my friends at a fine dining German first time...hehe...and the great thing abt the restaurant is dat it has a very good ambience and a live band which entertains us throughout the dinner...hehe
the musicians were takin a break at dat time..
becoz its all our first time dining in dat restaurant...we have no idea of wut to in the end...most of us ordered their specialty which is the pork shank...or better known as 'ham zhu sou'...erm..not sure how to translate it..probably the picture will speak for itself better...ts in cantonese tasted not bad...jus dat its side dishes are not dat tasty...there are some pickles and a potato dumpling...i shud say dat its mashed potato is beta...shud hav change the potato dumpling to dat if we had known earlier...hees...
at first when the food came, we are all excited...and wanted to take a photo wiv it...but later on...when ur stomach starts growling...u becum ganas...or at least...janet becum ganas in slaughtering the pork..haha...well..i din finish the whole thing on my own...coz its quite a big potion and its impossible for me to finish i shared it with dan dan...hehe :)
Dan dan feeling contented with the food...
And so after a luxurious meal, its the special cutting cake ceremony..i din hav pics on that..but here is the couple with the cake...the cake was really nice....very forest i think..
And so, the photo-taking session starts...SNAP SNAP SNAP!!...
All happy moments have to be captured down!
the girls of the nite! pretty pretty..hehe..:)
Just know Clayton and Jarrod at the party..and also Hisa's bf..Keewin...hehe...
real nice people..:)
Lastly, ME and Bday Boy, Adrian...Happy 19th Birthday!! Hope you enjoyed the celebration!
Its been long since i hanged out wiv siew ying and my trinity frens...always feel good and have loadsa fun with them...and i even get to meet new cool is dat...i shud have more outings with my frens..stayin at home alone isnt really a good idea...haha..:)
CHEERS then!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Mid-sem break
recently, my emotions werent dat stable...n am feeling down most of the time...sori if i worry any one of u...but i will find my way out of my sorrow...'jie ling ren huan xu xi ling ren'... if u understand the phrase...
well, thanks to jesslina and ivan for inviting me along for a movie today...feel so much better afta the movie...we watched the movie - No was real nice...very relaxing and enjoyable...dats y it tones up my mood for the day...

gona cheer myself up with the holidays...and have some fun...mus chill out a bit (like wut tm reminds me to do most of the time...chill alone very sad la..haha)...n then do some studies...yupz...basically dats my plan...everythin will go on a slow and steady stress...pure relaxation and rest...coz afta the break i hav 3 assignments to deal with...n afta one more of month of studies...the battle with exams will begin...
dats it..just to update to say dat im fine...n thx for the love and care from my frens...chatting wiv my royal family and tm..really helps...sumhow...i jus need someone to talk to or to hang out that i wont feel lonely when im alone...